Newsweek: Washington state House committee passes bill to ban personal, philosophical vaccine exemptions

Newsweek: Washington state House committee passes bill to ban personal, philosophical vaccine exemptions by  for Health Nut News

GNN Note – I don’t mind vaccines, what I don’t like one bit is the state telling me that I must get vaccinated. Remember, once a vaccine is injected into your system, you can’t get it out. Also, you can’t sue the vaccine company if something goes wrong – these are two reasons for questioning vaccines.


On Friday, a Washington state House committee passed a bill to ban the personal or philosophical exemption for the vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) for school-age children, in response to the recent numbers of people with the virus. And let us notate that while the mainstream media has been making the rounds to attempt to terrify people about the “outbreaks” no one has died and a little over 300 people- since October 2018- have been infected.

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Not millions. Not even thousands.

And no deaths.

Despite opposition from those to rightly believe that parents should have a right to choose whether to vaccinate their children, the bill passed through the state’s Health Care and Wellness Committee.

“All nine Democrats on the committee voted to advance the bill, as well as the bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Paul Harris, the only Republican to support it. The bill will now move to the House Rules Committee, on which Harris also serves, before it is sent to the full chamber for a vote. Hundreds of anti-vaccination supporters protested the bill earlier this month.”1

Late last month, following what state medical officials have called an “outbreak” of measles, Gov. Jay Inslee (D) declared a state of emergency. And yet, according to the dictionary, the word outbreak means, “the sudden or violent start of something unwelcome.” In my humble opinion, that doesn’t really define what’s currently going on with these measles cases. Also, the virus, which was first discovered in 1757, hasn’t always been something to fear:

When most of us hear the word “outbreak” we tend to think of impending doom and yet, “currently, there are at least 52 known cases in Washington state and four in Oregon.”2

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